Hosting the Perfect Open House

It Holding an open house can be a great way to get your home for sale noticed. It can also be a great way to meet new clients, generate buzz, and encourage offers. But for unprepared agents and sellers, an open house can be a nightmare. That’s why we’ve gathered here a few tips for you to stage the best open house you can. Enjoy!
  1. No clutter: You want the buyers focused on the house, not the stuff.
  2. No Pets (or evidence of pets): Pets are adorable, but they can also create damage and odors.
  3. Close the toilet lids and avoid outdated fluffy toilet seat covers.
  4. Clean out closets: Closet size is a touchy issue for many buyers. Amplify the appearance of storage space by trimming closet contents.
  5. Light & bright: Did you know rooms appear larger in brighter light? Take advantage of this and enhance your spaces.
  6. Give information in a different format: Digital information is what rules today’s world but printed information is still important for potential buyers.
  7. Attractive entryways: A home’s entryway sets the tone for the rest of the house; make sure you give the right first impression.
  8. No scent is the best scent: Don’t overuse air fresheners and candles; it can be irritating to some potential buyers. Make sure you deep clean your house, let fresh air in and deodorize appliances.
  9. Be safe: Keep the owner’s valuables away from visitor’s sight and always attend to safety regulations to keep everyone attending safe.
  10. Photo boards: Use photo boards or a laptop slideshow to show off a property in different seasons, that way you can show potential buyers how the property will look like during different seasons and holidays.
  11. No owners: Potential buyers want privacy and freedom to speak and comment on the property, having the owners around can add some pressure to the open house experience.
  12. Depersonalise: Try to avoid too many pictures and personal affects around the house, potential buyers like to picture themselves in the property for the future.
  13. Invite the neighbors: Current neighbors can be your best word of mouth advertisers, make sure they come by and invite potential buyers to come with them.
  14. Create a neutral environment:  if you have anything that could be considered the least bit controversial, it is suggested to take it down for the open house. 
  15. Choose an “off” hour: Many time there is more than one open house happening at the same time, if you schedule at an “off” hour potential buyers will have time to attend yours and you will have less competition for attendance.

      We hope this tips can help you be the perfect host! If you need anymore assistance, we are here to help. 

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